By knowing what to bring to your next show, you can help ensure a positive, stress-free experience.

You’ve designed the product or brand that defines your vision. You are ready to share your work with the world.

So how do you navigate the surging waters of a trade show without getting lost in the rapids?

Preparation is the key. By thinking ahead, you’ll be putting your best foot forward and avoiding the pitfalls that consume other novice convention guests. Act like you own the place, proceed with confidence, and follow these helpful hints for trade show domination.


To pack or not to pack? That’s the eternal question. You want to bring enough wares to the show to highlight all of the exciting innovations and ideas being championed by your organization, but how can you get them all there?

It’s like packing for a family vacation… if your family consists of truckers, coworkers, and thousands of contemporaries whose names you may not always remember. So let’s break it down and keep a few guidelines in our collective back pocket:

● Think big – what are the marquee items that have the most wow factor? Be sure to make room for these headline displays; the rest is secondary.

● Think small – now that you have cast your starring roles, consider their size. Will they fit in your booth space? Is there a smaller facsimile that conveys the same idea?

● Think about time constraints – you only have a finite amount of hours in the day, so setup is a crucial concern. Can you arrange everything you’ve brought in time to kick off the event in style? And how will you dismantle everything after it has been so majestically staged?

● Think practical – everyone needs basic amenities if they plan to spend an extended amount of time in a cramped space. Graciously provide your new friends with water, snacks, and bathroom access to assure that you get on their good side.


The best way to learn is to listen. If you or your reps are glued to their phones all day, then they won’t make that vital connection to expo attendees; people will just walk past, thinking you’re uninterested in their attention.

Ask what they want, and be prepared to deliver. You’re all in the same boat, so set sail for synergy! Tap into their interests, bond over why you’re all in the same arena, and follow up with a business card, email exchange, or some signature way to keep in touch.

Even better than handing out your own business card: enlist new recruits by making badges for your guests. If you stamp their names on custom badges, placards, or otherwise branded materials, they walk away feeling like part of your movement, and they have the credentials to prove it (and to show the world – free advertising ahoy!).


You need to make visitors as excited about your message as you are. After all, you have invested years in crafting your vision, so how do you translate that into mere seconds with passersby?

Boil it down. Your elevator pitch should encapsulate what’s great about your mission in 30 seconds or less. If you sell peaches, don’t unload a cumbersome speech about the history of farming to your disinterested guests; instead, convey that blast of flavor that consumers get when they first bite into a fresh peach.


Your brand is about to go global. But first, you need to think local. It would be impossible to replicate your headquarters in the limited confines of an expo booth, so don’t even try. This is a public-facing event, so just focus on what you MUST have to entertain, educate, and enlighten the civilians lucky enough to encounter your display.

If you can get products from a vendor near the convention center, then that will cut down on costly transportation costs and logistical headaches. Make a comprehensive list of everything you need shipped to the convention center well ahead of the event’s start date. Now hand that list to a trusted member of your team and ask them to price out not only the costs of your desired materials, but also how much it will be to get all of it shipped to the site.


Surprises are great for birthday parties, but not so much when it comes to trade shows. No matter how well you plan ahead, there are always last-minute hiccups that must be wrangled to keep your momentum moving in the right direction.

For example, let’s say your booth is more popular than expected. Win! But now you have nowhere for your guests to sit. Oh no! It’s too late (and far too inefficient) to haul your recliner across the country to provide everyone a place to chill. That’s where furniture rental comes in handy. Have a seat!


We’re going to let you in on a little secret: no matter how prepared you think you are, it’s never enough. That’s why we have honed our craft of being over-prepared for the benefit of our grateful clients.

From eye-popping booth design to pragmatic event planning to connections, we’re on your side. Our trade show prowess speaks for itself, but we’re also happy to speak in person about our reputation, imagination, and professionalism. Call us today at 725.218.1577 !