These apps will help you easily capture leads at your next trade show.

For better or worse, we simply cannot live without our smart devices. From the calendar reminders on our phones to the spreadsheets on our tablets, technology means business! The power of innovation has been distilled into a compact device that allows you to navigate with the swipe of a finger.

You truly have the world in the palm of your hands.

So why fight the trend? You are already using your smartphone to organize your life, so be even smarter by loading it with the essential apps that will ensure more engagement, more connectivity, and ultimately more leads.


Take a moment to consider the strategies that you have used to harvest leads at past trade shows. How are they working for you? What is most frustrating about your “old school” approach? How can technology up your game?

For example, most booths of yesteryear feature the ubiquitous business card bowl. Visitors are invited to drop their info into the container, which requires no real effort… but it also may not yield many results. When you collect business cards, you have no idea why certain individuals left them or what goals and strategies they may have for future collaborations. The business card is merely an outcropping of contact info to add to your database. By the way, who is updating your database? Is it worth their time to wrangle faceless cards that may not further your overall business goals?

You may have even taken the business card bowl paradigm to the next level by offering prizes to one lucky participant. You pull a card from the pile and announce the winner! This can increase guests’ willingness to participate, but you might gather even more irrelevant contacts from people who have no interest in your organization; they just want that prize.

Before you make these same mistakes at your next expo, take a moment to plan ahead. By loading your phone or tablet with the most helpful apps, you will stride onto the trade show floor with a decided advantage over the competition. You are ready to kick butt and take names… literally! The following apps will give you the edge you need to take the lead getting leads.


Instead of fumbling with notepads and pens that either don’t work or explode in your shirt pocket, get tech-savvy. Download QuickTap Survey and get ready for some productive lead capturing. This app’s lead capture functionality allows you to gather info easily, which frees you up to chat and strategize with your newfound collaborators.

QuickTap Survey also lives up to its name by creating custom surveys to engage everyone on your contact list. Learn how consumers think, feel, and behave by getting that data straight from the source.

Once you have gathered a goldmine of market research, the QuickTap app organizes the data into user-friendly information that you can share with your partners and potential investors. You have gone from scribbles on a page to strategies for the future. Congrats!


Take a look around at your next trade show. Notice all of those laminated badges dangling from everyone’s lapels? They aren’t simply decorations; those are opportunities. With the help of the iCapture app, you can scan a person’s badge and enter them into your contact list with the blip of an invisible beam. It’s as cool as it is convenient!

And if you have difficulty getting online amidst the chaos of a particular expo, fear not. iCapture provides you offline capabilities that pull in three times the leads as traditional paper and pen methods. The future is calling; answer it with iCapture.


Instead of scanning a trade show badge, go even further by capturing a contact’s business card info. Simply snap an image of your next lead’s details with the CamCard app and let technology do the rest. The details from the scanned business card will be downloaded into your database, thus growing your contact list and organizing your leads with the greatest of ease!

CamCard also allows users to exchange business cards digitally. No need for expensive printing costs, lost cards, or paper cuts. This is an eco-friendly way to say hello to your next lead!


But why wait until the actual date of the trade show to think about tracking down leads? Get a jump on the day by downloading ProLeads. This app delineates between quality leads and the rest of the field by pre-qualifying contacts before you even meet them. Use ProLeads to maneuver the expo floor and target the right demographic for your business goals.

ProLeads also syncs directly with Salesforce, which streamlines your efforts to direct potential consumers into your sales funnel. By maximizing engagement and minimizing busywork, ProLeads puts you on the fast track to trade show domination!


Give your new leads something to rave about by optimizing your trade show presence. From custom-built exhibits to the best installation & dismantling services in the business, Unveil Production Group will amplify your message and galvanize your consumer base.

Gathering leads is a great first step, but we want to help you take a giant leap forward. The individuals on your contact list want a reason to remember you, and creating the best booth on the expo floor will achieve just that. Once you have harnessed the leads you need, blast out a picture of your exhibit to refresh their memories of why they shared their data with you. Or better yet, give them a teaser image of your next booth. What better way to drive further interest in your organization and keep them coming back for more?

To help create the best booth strategy for your business, contact Unveil today… and we’ll get started on a more lucrative tomorrow.