Society is at a crossroads. We screeched to a collective halt in response to COVID-19, but now we must determine which direction we are traveling next. Gatherings present unique challenges when it comes to stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus, but we are innovators; challenges are our lifeblood.

Public events are an essential way to bring us together, yet responsibly apart. Trade shows, in particular, offer the opportunity to exchange new ideas and create future collaboration. The conventions industry contributed over $100 billion to the American economy last year. As we face uncertain times, we must not turn our backs on this valuable revenue source. If we do, we are denying each other sustenance and support.

So, how do we move forward with trade shows in the age of COVID-19? The answer is complex yet comprehensive.


The world has experienced this coronavirus outbreak in vastly different ways. Some countries are devastated while others seem as yet unfazed. Event planning must take these variations into account in order to adequately address the need for proper safety and health protocols.

Questex has devised a three-tiered reopening plan to embrace the facts on the ground and deliver a smart approach to each respective event. First: be sure to obey local ordinances. If the mayor or governor has issued guidelines, please follow them. Familiarize yourself with the emergency network in the venue area to make sure attendees have proper access to care and support. To prevent such emergencies, sterilize the hall according to local health agencies’ input and advise guests and vendors to observe the rules of the locale. These may include social distancing guidelines, hand sanitizer availability, and temperature checks for all incoming visitors.

Step two in Questex’s plan is event-specific. Conferences, for example, will be organized differently than trade shows. When a speaker is on stage, they will be given ample space from the seated crowd, who must be arranged with at least six feet of breathing room between them. To help direct foot traffic at an expo show, mark the ground clearly to indicate lanes of movement and allow attendees to check-in online to decrease the need for hands-on registration.

For the third phase of the Questex reopening protocols, let’s all be forward-thinking. Anticipate a possible “next wave” of the virus and plan accordingly. Coordinate your response team to communicate standards well in advance of an event. Have faith in your partnerships; this is your network of support to keep everyone informed and healthy, now and in the very near future.

As stated earlier, these overarching rules are meant as broad strokes that must be applied uniquely to each geographical setting. To better understand how each locality is handling reopening, look at these snapshots from around the nation and globe.


The municipal government of Chicago has teamed up with the state of Illinois to create a comprehensive pledge for responsible reopening. To achieve the twin goals of productivity and conscientiousness, the tourism and hospitality entities in the area have formed a cohesive partnership. Together, vendors and visitors alike are invited to support the four pillars of the pledge: planning, engagement, inclusivity, and advocacy.

Event planning must be made in accordance with local guidelines and executed using the vital infrastructure of greater Illinois. The rules are not designed to favor one partner over another; rather, they are meant to be an even playing field of collaboration and productivity.


Las Vegas is the tradeshow capital of the world, so its reopening protocols are of particular interest to those of us in the know. Hotels began to welcome guests back to the lights and luxuries of The Strip on June 4th, but event planning is taking a more considered approach to safety.

Caesars Entertainment is committed to keeping their staff healthy by screening them regularly and attending to any symptoms that may arise. Their gathering spaces have been reconfigured to allow six feet of distance between seats, and hand-sanitizing stations are dispersed throughout every hall. Likewise, MGM Resorts have updated their protocols to encourage contactless registration and masks for their many, many support staff members.


Connect is moving forward with their trade show plans for the late summer and fall, and their itinerary includes New Orleans, Florida, and Missouri, just to name a few locales. Their comprehensive protocols have been dubbed Safe Space 2020, and they promote cleanliness and spaciousness at every turn.

Disinfectant foggers will sterilize convention spaces in advance, plexiglass shields will provide a barrier between attendees and vendors, and the registration process will be streamlined online. No matter where you connect with Connect, they have your best interest in their glove-covered hands.


Safety is a global concern. COVID-19 does not obey borders or customs; it is universally relentless. We must partner with our friends around the world to make a rational plan for a responsible reopening. Germany, for example, is staggering their plan into stages. First, hotels welcomed guests back through their doors, then movie theaters and beer gardens flourished with renewed life. Next, trade fairs will experience a grand reopening beginning in September.

In solidarity with our friends and neighbors from around the world, we must be smart and respectful when it comes to upcoming expos. Preparing for your show is vital to the health of your organization, but it must also take guests’ health into consideration.

To flex your compassion, contact the experts at Unveil Production Group. We can help make your next event a happy, healthy outpouring of ideas and shared consideration.